Ana içeriğe atla
The universe is changing....

  Humanity wants to control this change,or it's trying to adapt.

 Since the change is inevitable, entropy.the main question is, what are we doing against this change?..

Of course, there are many answers to this question.But one of the best answers to be given; or all together,or none of us...

except for a collective approach,all answers are not both realistic and moral.

    Since history,the Son of man has been busy exploring his own talents, the world, and the universe.And it went far.We have a lot of information right now..We have caught what they call the contemporary world.But we have yet to show primitive behavior in the field of moral social values.

     For example,in the world where the wars are still going on,the fact that modern humanity remains unresponsive is a sign of serious moral primacy.However, this modern human being suffers from serious crises when they are left alone in their own consciences.

   Now,I'm going to write about how to get rid of all these crises ,what the tasks we have to do in order to do, and what I have to do in the future....
